United States: Energy
Annual Total Energy Usage (current data): 92.94 quadrillion BTU (2,343.9 MTOE – megatonnes of oil equivalent or 27.2 trillion kWh – kilowatt hours)
- Global ranking in energy consumption (current): #2. China is #1.
- Percentage of total global energy consumption: ~17% .
- Energy Sources (% of total): Fossil Fuels (79%), Renewables – 12%, Nuclear – 9%.
- Primary Renewable Energy Sources (% of renewables): Biomass – 39% (biomass waste, biofuels, wood), Wind – 26%, Hydropower – 22%, Solar – 11%, Geothermal – 2%
- Annual per capita energy consumption: 282 million BTU per person (82,646 kWh)
(Source: US Energy Information Administration – Energy Facts and EIA – Renewables Explained)