Message from the Founders

From Founder, Eric Mclamb….

Welcome to the Ecology Experience as never before seen…heard… held… or touched!

This is only the tip of the iceberg… the very beginning… of a pure ecological platform to engage all people on global common ground. Ecology Prime™ sincerely considers everyone’s differences and uniqueness, but that everyone also depends on the same basic things for life regardless of where you live, what you believe or what your heritage is. Everyone will feel certain ways about that, but Ecology Prime™ will connect each person with the real world in ways that are alluring, exciting, enlivening and fascinating through pure facts and direct encounters with the actual world around us all.

Ecology Prime™ has been years in the making. Now, here it is… the start of the journey for everyone to begin connecting all the dots on the meaning of life and existence in the here, now and our collective future… all in collaboration with the essentials for living. It is my hope that everyone will find their own place within this global collaborative hub for ecology and the day’s environmental dynamics… to learn, to enjoy, and to create and share experiences and clear thinking on what it truly means not only to live but to live life to its healthiest and fullest.

This is your Ecology Prime™… connect with the world and be part of this budding new platform!
Eric McLamb
Founder & CEO
Ecology Prime Inc.

From Cofounder Dr. Jack C. Hall…

Greetings Concerned Earthlings and Welcome to Ecology Prime™!

No, this isn’t the opening line from a cheesy new Sci-Fi series but rather an invitation to the world and by extension, universe around us. I have purposely used the term concerned Earthlings to introduce you to what, in my humble opinion, is a new and exciting way to look at our planet. I know you are Earthlings for the obvious reason, and I also know you are concerned about our home planet because you are reading this! If you were not concerned, you would not have clicked on the Ecology Prime™ home page in the first place.

Our greatest hope is that you find Ecology Prime™ useful, interesting, and entertaining. We are continuously working to provide you with the most up-to-date information that you can use in a multitude of applications from writing term papers, to virtually exploring new lands, and even learning something new and just saying “Hmmm…..I didn’t know that but that is pretty cool and I want to know more!”

If that is you, then you are in the right place!! Don’t be afraid, check out everything we have to offer, come back often to see what is new, and let us know what you think and would like to see. And always remember, you can contribute your thoughts, experiences and news right from your home or community. Just connect with us and join the family!
This web platform was built for you! I have been teaching about the Earth’s environs for longer than most of you have been alive and I am very proud to say that this is the best, most accurate, and complete website I have ever seen as a source for all types of ecological and environmental information.

I hope that you enjoy Ecology Prime™ as much as everyone on the team has enjoyed putting it together. Onward to the depths of the oceans and highest mountain peaks!! (Sorry, I couldn’t help ending with a really bad sign offline.) Join the ride!
Dr. Jack C. Hall
Cofounder, Ecology Prime, Inc.
Professor Emeritus & Founding Chair
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of North Carolina Wilmington